Our PAGING & LIFESAFETY division is integrated into our other system offerings. At KNC Technologies we are committed to making sure our customers have immediate, clear and reliable information throughout their organizations. We are able to offer these services and products through our partnerships with the world’s leading manufacturers. KNC is a Valcom Class Connection’s partner and our customer base includes some of the largest healthcare facilities, Federal and Local Government, Municipalities and various Educational campuses and School Systems.

KNC’s unique and extensive experience in IP and Analog Voice Paging systems, IP Centric Multimodal Systems and telecommunication enhancements gives us a unique perspective. We are well-known for providing guidance and assistance in implementing everything from the simplest paging system to the most complex mass notification communications system solution.

Area of Rescue Assistance


Valcom provides all the essential elements of a “best-in-class” mass notification system. Valcom’s eLaunch unifies all your existing – or new – disparate subsystems into a cohesive mass notification system! Integration can include any or all of the following applications: SMS with response; outbound calling with response; smart phone apps; email; PC screen pops; broadcast through speakers in IP telephones; IP loudspeakers; IP emergency telephones; PA systems in and around buildings; digital signage; social media; Web portal; two-way radio integration; giant voice integration.

Representative Manufacturers

Bogen Communications